Welcome to Jeffwerx

Welcome to my little corner of the web! JeffWerx is the online home of Olympia's Blind Cartoonist, Game Designer and "The Podre" father of BEAN! The D2 RPG, Writer, Reiki Master, and Dabbler in a myriad of wacky projects. Here you’ll find information on the projects I’ve created, am creating, as well as musings on things to come. Wander around and see what JeffWerx is crankin' out!

JeffWerx.com homepage header
JeffWerx.com homepage header
J. Freels, Olympia's Blind Cartoonist
J. Freels, Olympia's Blind Cartoonist


JeffWerx/Fabled Worlds Games linkJeffWerx/Fabled Worlds Games link
JeffWerx Gallery linkJeffWerx Gallery link
JeffWerx Shops linkJeffWerx Shops link
JeffWerx link to Mock-Haiku pageJeffWerx link to Mock-Haiku page
Beanpage, BEAN The D2 Rpg page linkBeanpage, BEAN The D2 Rpg page link
JeffWerx Zombies section linkJeffWerx Zombies section link
OtherWise Blog linkOtherWise Blog link
JeffWerx Blog linkJeffWerx Blog link
JeffWerx, J. Freels Books page linkJeffWerx, J. Freels Books page link
JeffWerx, link to J. Freels' MyStick Mystic Stick Figure Tarot Deck pageJeffWerx, link to J. Freels' MyStick Mystic Stick Figure Tarot Deck page
JeffWerx, Puppet Cauldron page linkJeffWerx, Puppet Cauldron page link
JeffWerx, Raquel Salinas Memorial Scholarship page linkJeffWerx, Raquel Salinas Memorial Scholarship page link
J. Freels Bio page linkJ. Freels Bio page link
JeffWerx logo
JeffWerx logo

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