PuCa Puppet Cauldron

In 2020 it became clear that the world was not facing a run of the mill flu. Personal and public safety needed strenuous precautions, and we wend into lockdown. People began to find ways to occupy their time in isolation. Anyone who’s ever known me wouldn’t be surprised that the blind guy would wind up alone in a dark house with a whole lotta puppets; it was only a matter of time really.
The stories came. The characters emerged from wherever it is they wait around to mysteriously emerge from. The puppet camera (most people would call it a cellphone) went to work. Battles were fought to subdue technology, primarily that wild card known as Green Screen. Somehow all the pieces came together, such as they are. WATCH THE VIDEOS!

Puppet Box Junction is a small community with a good Thinking Spot Tree, huge stacks of books creating the town library, and a fun little group of locals.
Strazi is the undisputed ringleader and is always happy to lend a hand...in her way. Wombo reads a lot, has opinions about everything, and is the yang to Strazi's yin and their delicate balance probably keeps the place from imploding. Gothlina Gothica Gothington III is the residential reference for all things spooky and flamboyant. Jonny Fiddlestix enjoys poetry and artsy expression. Oro is...well, Oro is there in a very solid way. Nerg is a para-ninja and dogwalker, cos ninja-ing doesn't pay much. And as it is in any community, others will wander through from time to time.
"Strazi's Happy Song!"
"How Strazi met Nerg"
"Poetry Reading"
"Alone Time"
"Strazi's Guided Meditation"
"Solstice Squirrel"