JEFFWERX GALLERY I enjoy a variety of artwork including Digital Collages, Graphic Design, Drawings and cartoons, and I've got a special fondness for Stick Figures that crop up a lot

I love collages, and some of my first experiments with computer collages happened way back in Windows 1.0 on the Paint program. Here's a little peek at some of my experiments over the years.

I've done a lot of posters and advertising pieces for community groups and events. One of my favorites was the poster and t-shirts I designed for The Evergreen State College's very last Super Saturday. This was a tradition to honor and say thanks to the local cummunity following each year's graduation ceremonies. I worked at Twilight's Terror Haunted House for several years and loved doing the posters for our shows, I even created a computer game of the haunt one year.

My drawings have appeared in places such as The Cooper Point Journal (The newspaper of The Evergreen State College), Axis Music and Entertainment magazine in the form of a regular strip, and I was voted Best Blind Cartoonist of 2012 by Weekly Volcano...make of that what you will. I've illustrated a variety of role-playing game products, most notably Tunnels & Trolls, and my own game BEAN!

I love the elegance of telling a story with minimal lines. Stick Figures are cute, silly, quick, and when done well show a lot of emotion and drama! One of my all time favorite creations is The MyStick Mystic Stick Figure Tarot Deck. I created "Song of Dren" (click to download free pdf) as an experiment for online publishing. Stick Figure Heroes was a series of computer games which I may possibly be able to update to modern computer operating systems...but don't hold yoru breath on this one. My stick figures have become ..."meatier" over time and just gain more and more personality. Go out and draw some stick figures of your own!