MARL'S TALE A collection of fantasy tales laden with irony and not without their moments of gore includes: "Marl's Tale"(suitable for young adult readers) the light-hearted story of a city without a ruler and the trials of a would-be leader who hasn't got a clue; "The Grey Knight" is a tale of a blind knight errant and his horse after their days of adventure would seem to have ended; "In-Between Heroes" a tale of the events between those adventures the bards sing of; "Shadow Queen" the story of a maturing society's efforts to leave behind the darkness and wonder of imagination; and a special 10 page comic titled "Elmspire Tales" (the comic appears only in the printed version and is not available on the Kindle edition)
MAKING BELIEVE & OTHER WEIRDNESS A collection of stories, poetry, lyrics, notions, and drawings of a fantastical nature presented for entertainment and pleasing diversion, and the humble hope that the reader may take away a bit of inspiration to see more than the mundane in the world around them.
DIA DE LOS MUERTOS COLORING BOOK: WHO WILL YOU REMEMBER? Dia De Los Muertos, The Day of the Dead, is a uniquely Mexican/Chicano holiday to celebrate and honor our loved ones who have died, and to remind us that life is precious. Decorations include marigolds (the flower of the dead), favorite foods of loved ones, and skeletons -lots of skeletons! This coloring book contains fun images to celebrate the lives of those who have passed while reminding us that we too will pass one day. Inside the book you'll be able to color characters who are sure to remind you of people you have known, an altar decorated for the festival, sugar skulls -and there's even a blank skull to create your own design!

THE ZOMBIE COLORING & ACTIVITY BOOK is a strangely educational and fun way to learn all about zombies and how you and your loved ones can survive in the event of a zombie attack. There are lots of fun pages to color, including the fun activities pages one expects in their coloring books. This expanded edition includes helpful tips from the popular retro Year Of The Zombie Calendar cos you can't be too prepared when zombies come scratchin' at your door!
WHEELS WITHIN WHEELS Centuries in the making, this collection of semi-random Thought Prompts is intended to inspire fresh new Thoughts, and those even more new Thoughts, -cos The Whole Big Thing needs Thinkers! The Wheels Within Wheels Handbook is like an eclectic scrapbook of the original Thought Prompts (presented in no particular order) as well as a bit of the movementÕs history, DIY projects, and some fun propaganda of some of the offshoot groups (One Red Sock, The omnidenominational Empty Hand, and Society of Enlightened Thinkers) and their ideas for a kinder, more gentle kind of World Domination...cos the world's not gonna take over itself anytime soon and things need doin'! It's a fun little booklet that'll get you Thinking!
GRUMLAHK'S TROLL TALES the collected comics as they first appeared in the Tunnels & Trolls gaming magazine "The Hobbit Hole". There's a wacky bunch of characters within these pages, including: Hungry Ogres, Rogue Elves, even a Blind Elf Assassin, Grumlahk, and more!
Thanks for visiting my books page. You'll find a variety of prose, fantasy, poetry, and even coloring books! Be sure to check out my GAMES PAGE too.
OLYMPIA'S BLIND CARTOONIST ASHCAN EDITIONS Presented for posterity, these ashcan editions (plus "Coping", a cartoon anthem for the visually impaired) were created as a kind of experiment after the artist lost the majority of his vision and had to teach himself how to draw all over again. 'Elmspire Tales' was inspired by members of the artists' longtime gaming group, and 'Tales of Shade & Shadow' is a gothy little piece. See what someone recovering from horrible eye surgeries with homemade scrapmetal eyepieces strapped to his head created back in the day!